Lobde 랍드
1995 Born in Cheong-Ju, Korea
Lives & works in Seoul, Korea
He wishes for the prosperity of life through his shamanistic and mythical work.
주술적이고 신화적인 창작활동을 통해 만물의 번영을 기원한다.
2014-2021 Bachelor of Architecture and Urban Planning, Hongik University, Seoul, Korea
Solo Exhibition
<Long Live the Tribe> - Gallery ANOV, January 4 - February 1, 2021
<Ajita Tribe> - 33Apartment, May 9 - May 31, 2020
Group Exhibition
<Circuit Seoul S#1> - MUSINSA Terrace, August 29 - September 12, 2021
i-D Italy
YCK magazine